Directions & FAQ Stadthaus

furnished apartments in the heart of Ravensburg

City centre | Ravensburg
Town House
check availability

Public transport

From Ravensburg main station you can reach Obere Breite Straße 39 in five minutes on foot. Walk along Eisenbahnstraße in the direction of the town centre and you will cross Obere Breite Straße.

If you are travelling by local transport, the nearest stop is Marienplatz, but Bachstraße or Frauentor are also within walking distance, see or Bus & Bahn in RV.


Free parking is available at Scheffelplatz, 650m from the Stadthaus, an eight-minute walk. In large parts of the old town, long-term parking is only permitted for residents. Information on multi-storey car parks and other parking options can be found here.

Directions from the townhouse in Ravensburg to Gut Hügle in Bottenreute:
Gut Hügle is 8km away, about 10 min by car. Directions to Gut Hügle see here.

Benefits as a house guest

- Reduced breakfast price as a house guest*
- 10% discount on meals in the restaurant *
- free admission to the play barn
- when buying a ticket 50% discount on the ticket of another attraction, e.g. corn maze or disc golf

* Valid only during the stay in the town house. No restaurant discount on Sundays, public holidays and eves. Please present booking confirmation to redeem.

Journey to the town house of Gut Hügle. Rooms and holiday apartments directly in Ravensburg on Lake Constance